A perfect tea set solution is hard to find, after some time spent on searching we came up to the conclusion that the perfect one is a combination of many. However we do not give any recommendations on what tea you should drink, it is very personal and moreover very hard to stick with something particular. We also like coffee so next time we probably show objects of desire for coffee lovers.

We took Haros / TEBE mugs from Magppie as an ultimate cup. Available at
www.kobaltshop.com (Korea), we also came across Magppie products in many design shops in Japan and Europe, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

Next step was to find a tea infuser. We like to brew tea in a cup instead of a pot, yet sometimes there are two persons, so a set would be just great, and we managed to find it, our choice is Alessi Bauhaus, it goes for approximately 200 usd.

Yet there are others, for those who doesn’t quite like minimalism we found this one, shaped like a shell with lots of details it is, as we suppose, a collectors item, priced near 1000 usd. More information could be found at
We also like this one. The price is near 100 usd.